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It's difficult to say is it easier or harder to build a loyal audience nowadays. Advances in hardware and software continue to simplify capture and production. And so everybody can become a reporter or a filmmaker. But at the same time it becomes harder to capture and the most important to keep an audience's attention.

Also users want to get an immediate satification and don't like glitches and delays. When they click "play" they want to see your content right instantly. They don't want to wait, to stare at a preloader, to be stopped in the midstream, or to see a grainy, pixelated version of your created content. Undoubtedly, you don't want it as well.

But the fast is if you won't use a top content delivery network to serve your media, a lot of users may get that negative experience, because as you know traditional web hosts serve media from only one location, and some CDNs just are not built for rich media.

Our media delivery services guarantee that regardless of a user's location, connection speed and device, he'll have the best possible experience. If a user lives in Sydney, your media content will be automatically delivered to him from a server in Sydney - and most of all, even the one that is directly connected to their ISP. Same for any other city where we've built our SuperPOPs. This means that in many cases you can give users an instant-on, high fidelity experience.

These media delivery solutions include world-class security services to protect your content, our Download Manager to intelligently manage the delivery of media files to any platform, and the industry's best analytics, that gives real-time insight into your audience metrics and behavior.
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The faster e-commerce website you have, the better search engine rankings you get and that means more clients and thus more profit.

All your dynamic and static content loads as fast as it's only possible.

Our services guarantee crystal-clear, instant-on and high fidelity video and music. No sluttering and interruption.

Our caching platform will deliver your static content at super fast speeds, and with the same speed and reliability as cached content our game-tuned Application Delivery Network will serve your game's dynamic elements.

Our strategically-located SuperPOPs serve your software super fast, and our intelligent DNS and global load balancing will automatically direct end users to download your software from the server the closest to them.

JoDiHost allows you to use any or all of our strategically-located SuperPOPs as broadcast nodes, bringing your live stream to within milliseconds of more than 95% of the world's broadband users.

High-performance CDN solutions are costly?NOT ANYMORE!

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Premium-class CDN solution has never been cheaper!

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