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Live Event Streaming
Sometimes concerts, conferences and other live events can become a real challenge to broadcast them.

Users may experience lags, choppiness, and degraded quality when watching such live events, especially when those users are located too far from the server that's sending out the live stream. Those lags make a sure to lose patience and to leave your website finally. Most off all such things happen when you use a traditional webhost or legacy CDN to deliver your live event. But as a live event occurs only once, you need to be sure your delivery network can handle the traffic and there will not be any unexpected error or a lag in the middle of the event.

JoDiHost allows you to use any or all of our strategically-located SuperPOPs as broadcast nodes, bringing your live stream to within milliseconds of more than 95% of the world's broadband users. So your event will be delivered to your users in real time, intact and at the quality the user's connection allows.

Our live event delivery services guarantee that regardless of a user's location, connection speed or device, he will see your event as it is. If a user is in London, he'll automatically get the live stream from a server in London and most of all from a server directly connected to their ISP. And the same will be in any city where we've built our SuperPOPs. This means a user will see your event at its best and you'll get a very loyal audience.

Of course, we understand that security is critical for live events. Our live event solutions include world-class security services that prevent theft and give you full control over who gets in. So don't worry about it.

And our live event solutions include the industry's best analytics so that you know how your live event is going, as well as in-depth intelligence about audience demographics and the network's performance.
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The faster e-commerce website you have, the better search engine rankings you get and that means more clients and thus more profit.

All your dynamic and static content loads as fast as it's only possible.

Our services guarantee crystal-clear, instant-on and high fidelity video and music. No sluttering and interruption.

Our caching platform will deliver your static content at super fast speeds, and with the same speed and reliability as cached content our game-tuned Application Delivery Network will serve your game's dynamic elements.

Our strategically-located SuperPOPs serve your software super fast, and our intelligent DNS and global load balancing will automatically direct end users to download your software from the server the closest to them.

JoDiHost allows you to use any or all of our strategically-located SuperPOPs as broadcast nodes, bringing your live stream to within milliseconds of more than 95% of the world's broadband users.

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