How CDN and web performance are connected?
Blog / News / How CDN and web performance are connected?
We continue discussing the essence of CDN technology, and this time we will discuss the main point of CDN – performance. To be more precise, we will find out which kinds of CDN service are the most effective for performance improvement, and how they can measure it.

Multi CDN

CDNs may ensure more network security, reduce page loading time, make up for easier traffic control, better content availability, etc. This is a great opportunity to expand your infrastructure without much effort. But why being limited with the benefits of one content delivery network provider only?

Don’t be surprised: today you may hop from one provider to another, directing visitors to the most optimal servers according to your business requirements. This technology is called multi-CDN (Multiple Content Delivery Network). If your company is a video streaming service or a social network, this will be an ideal solution.

Thanks to multi-CDN, you can use several CDN companies to reduce latency and boost uptime globally. For example, you may order a CDN bound to mission-critical region, and deploy further CDNs in geographical areas where the main provider isn’t presented widely. This solution appears to be less risky, because you may balance performance and availability.

Multiple CDNs is a more sensible solution than one content delivery network because:

  • - CDN providers have different coverage in different regions;
  • - Not all CDNs are equally reliable;
  • - Switching between providers is automatic – you don’t have to do that;
  • - Companies provide varied CDN services and strategies;
  • - This is the future mush-have in E-commerce.

    • Now you don’t need to think how to choose a content delivery network – you benefits of several companies. A few more advantages are worth mentioning.

      You may expand your business to new markets and regions
      Using several networks in different locations, you may reach audience anywhere. Switching to better CDN servers, you can boost the growth of your business and deliver more content.

      Better performance – higher revenue
      It is widely known that the speed of page delivery indirectly affects conversion rates. Multi-CDN provides even better performance and lower latency than usual CDN solutions. Higher speed makes you being ahear competitors.

      Your cloud is safe and secure
      No company can guarantee 100% uptime – things happen, and if you trust one cloud provider with a CDN, sooner or later an outage may happen, which puts you under the risk of data loss. This risk disappears if you operate with several providers. Probably, this is one of the most evident reasons toth multi-CDN.

      More control over your business
      Even if you work with several CDNs, you may still specify the settings make sure that clients will always be able to access your content faster. No important data will be lost when switching from one provider to another. Many multi-CDNs switch automatically adjusting to the current traffic.


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