СDN for a Game Company: Does it Make Sense?
Blog / News / СDN for a Game Company: Does it Make Sense?
The point of any business is to make money by selling something: items, services, etc. Some people prefer launching e-commerce stores, others offer applications, and many prefer selling computer games instead. That seems to be pretty profitable business, isn’t it? However, it may also have a lot of problems and pitfalls.

Problems that many computer games sellers face

Just like other businesses, game companies also have difficulties in development. For example, they may provide clients with the newest online games with overwhelming graphics and gripping plot, but the customers will have to wait until the game downloads. The more they have to wait, the more the chances to abandon loading page are. As the result, a potential client may select another company that ensures higher speed of loading and provides clients with better user experience.

If you offer computer games online, you should always be ready to face such issues as traffic spikes and slow Net connection. Undoubtedly, the speed of connection depends not on you – it’s internet provider’s responsibility, but there are many other aspects that can have adverse effects on your business.

What is CDN and how it may help you out?

If you own or develop a game company, and your project needs better online performance, you can speed it up and accelerate loading with the help of CDN.

CDN (Content Deliver Network) is a system of servers that are geographically spread over the world, or several regions. Edge servers cache and store content obtained from the origin server and quickly transfer it to the end-users. Thanks to CDN, the distance between the point of presence (datacenter where a server is located) and the end-user reduces, which is why content has to travel less. Strikingly fast game content delivery is the main reason to choose CDN for your business. So how does this technology work?

As soon as you implement CDN service for your business, your CDN provider will get your core loadings and patches and distribute them on the servers around the world. When a user makes a request for content download sent to the origin server, and he gets the files from the nearest server. The server is located relatively close to the user, and the content from it is served much faster than from the original server. That improves user experience greatly.

Additional CDN Benefits

Content delivery networks are beneficial for game companies, but their advantage is not confined to the speed only. Here are some other reasons to order a CDN for your game business:

  1. 1. CDN not only improves loading speed thanks to shorter distance between the user and the server, but also reduces the chance of content loss, damage or other faults.
  2. 2. CDN balances traffic over all servers, which is why the origin server is offloaded. That eliminates the possibility of downtime and breakdown.
  3. 3. However, if the origin server fails for some reason, CDN will still be able to transfer patches and downloads. Likewise, if some of edge servers fail, users will be automatically connected to the closest servers that do work. Due to that, loss of data is almost impossible – copies of content would be always present on the servers that are up.
  4. 4. CDN can reduce hosting expenses considerably. The cheapest solutions come for several bucks a month, though CDN for game companies will be definitely more costly. However, the price of CDN is totally justified by excellent user experience and fascinating speed of game load. Content delivery networks are totally paid off within a few weeks.
  5. 5. Enhanced security. CDN solutions usually come with firewall that serves as an additional security layer. It filters requests, prevents DDoS attacks and other threats.

CDN is a versatile technology that can come in handy for many kinds of online business including computer games. If your web-site and content loading lacks speed, this is the most optimal way to boost the process of transfer and improve user experience.


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