Disaster recovery: can I afford it?
Blog / News / Disaster recovery: can I afford it?
While implementing new technologies and trends like automation technologies, virtual assistants, etc. you should not forget about safety. Fires, floods and power outages may happen any time, so you should always have disaster recovery plan included in your annual budget.

It is not as expensive as you think

Some developers think that disaster recovery is a huge investment: networks, expensive data centers, server maintenance – so much to spend on! While it was true in the past, today disaster recovery plan is available for every online business. Subscription pricing models are very cheap, so you can always have minimal downtime and enough money to invest in new technologies. Cloud-based disaster recovery providers can meet demands of any business.

Onsite backups are not enough

Despite the fact that a manual backup server gives some minor warranty of data safety, it is also prone to downtime. When disaster recovery solutions are hosted on a virtualized server or in the cloud, restoring important data takes a few minutes.

Be ready to attacks

Even if your server is located far from disaster zones, cyber attacks may still affect your data having even worse impact. Weal passwords, suspicious links, connection to unsecured channels – all that may disrupt even a well-established business. First and foremost, you should install adequate network security, but having a Plan B is also a must. A correctly elaborated disaster recovery plan will ensure data integrity no matter what kind of attack is performed.


This is a good option for sites with audience spread over different locations. Thanks to CDN (content delivery network), cached data will be stored on several edge servers at once, so you will be able to restore it at least partially, if the origin server breaks down. Besides, it has additional firewall that filters suspicious traffic.

Downtime may cost a lot

Of course, a brief power outage may have no impact on your web-site, but why risking? Anyway, downtime may cost a lot for your business and be very disastrous. Lost company data, damaged hardware and customer churn – add these aspects together, and your business may crash.

So if you want 2017 be successful for your business, be proactive and create a substantial disaster recovery plan. You business will be in a better financial position with it rather than without it.

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